
About Art Space


Muar is the foremost furniture hub in Malaysia with generating a great number of wood offcuts during the manufacturing process. The founder of Art Space thus had a brainwave-founded Art Space in which the rubber wood chips, offcuts and scrap upholstery fabric can be recycled. 

麻坡,一座历史感厚重的老城,同时也是享誉国际的家具城。作为我国最大的家具生产重镇,麻坡拥有丰富的橡胶木资源,每年通过好几万吨的橡胶木制成的完成品家具为大马赚取可观的外汇收入,然而在制作过程难免会余下许多废木料。于是,Art Space的创办人突发奇想,把原本当成废料的橡胶木碎、木块及沙发布碎重新回收并加以利用,开创了Art Space木工坊。


In the woodwork class organised by Art Space, the participants will get to assemble, combine, pile up, stick and paint the wood in various lengths and sizes to make their one and only items for use or for fun. These unique pieces of woodwork are the great examples of how the participants give full play to their creativity. In addition, Art Space also offers a variety of board games for the visitors to have fun. In fact, not only do board games bring a lot of joy, they also increase family interaction, develop children’s interests, encourage teenagers’ self-exploration and become the common pastime of office workers. Board games have indeed become a bridge to connect people by making them put down their phones. 

在Art Space木工坊,大家可以利用长短不一、大小不等的各种木料,进行组装、结合、堆砌、粘合、上色,制作成各式各样木质感的生活用品和玩具。每件物品都是独一无二的存在,也是制作者创意的展现,更是亲手制作的温情小礼物,意义非凡。 此外,我们也提供桌游服务,让大家可以体验桌游的乐趣。桌游带来的并不只有“好 玩有趣”而已,更是一家人的“同乐时光”、小朋友的 “兴趣培养”、青少年的“自我探索”、上班族下班后的 “共同消遣”。 只要是相聚的场合,桌游都适合成为大家放下手机,重拾关注彼此的桥梁。


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